Hope Groups

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Welcome to Hope Presbyterian Church! We are so glad to have the opportunity to share with you our thoughts on small group ministry, which we call Hope Groups. Hope Groups are one of the aspects of our Philosophy of Ministry (POM) dealing with reaching and equipping people through small group ministry. Below is a list of our current Hope Group selections: 


Groups that meet weekly at Hope:

1. Tuesday Morning Prayer Group 

2. Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study


Groups that meet once or twice a month at Hope:

1. Presbyterian Women 

2. Tuesday Evening Men's Bible Study  

Groups that meet weekly off-campus:

1. Wednesday Night Men's Bible Study 

Groups that meet once or twice a month off campus:

1. At Home Bible Study

2. The Wise Guys Group 

Have questions? Contact the church office for more information- office@hopechurchva.org or 540-898-4673.