What to expect when you visit Hope:
Expect to be greeted and welcomed! Please say hi to one of the greeters on your way in and ask them any quesions you might have!
Expect meaningful, vibrant worship in two different music styles. Our contemporary service at 9:00am draws from a wide variety of music and instruments, from ancient hymns to moderns songs, electric guitars to cellos. Our traditional service at 11:30am draws primarily from hymns and anthems led by our choir and the piano or the organ.
Expect to see people dressed in a wide variety of styles, from suits and ties to t-shirts and shorts. We love it that way and would hate for anyone to feel excluded from worship because of clothing. Come as you are!
Expect solid Bible teaching every week. We are committed to learning the Gospel of Jesus and applying it to every area of our lives. Our prayers, songs, preaching, and every part of the service draws from the Word of God.
Expect to see people from all across the age spectrum. From toddlers to folks pushing 100, you'll see a wide spread on Sundays! We believe that we need each other, experience and energy, young and old, and are blessed to grow with each other at every step along our journeys.
Expect a loving nursery for children ages 3 and under during all Sunday services.
Expect to see families worshipping together and the church family as a whole celebrating our kids and teens. Above nursery age, we all worship together across the age spectrum and are excited to see kids and teens engaging in worship as part of the church. The only exception to this is a kids-oriented teaching time during the sermon for kids in 2nd grade and younger.
Expect a place for your children and teens to learn about Jesus. Both on Sundays and throughout the week we have children's and youth programs intentionally designed to engage the hearts of students.