Welcome to the Children's Ministry at Hope Presbyterian Church!

Our website is an overview of the ministry only. Our seasonal and weekly updates are on our Church Center app or Facebook (see below). Please email our Children's Director with any questions! We hope to see you SUNDAY!  Planning a Visit? Let us know you are coming!  CLICK HERE

Children's Ministry - All– Image 1 of 37

NEW Children's Ministry @ HOPE


This website contains timeless information and resources to help families both old and new to the church understand more about the children's ministry. For more frequent updates, we welcome you to join our private Facebook group, which is an active part of the children's ministry here at Hope. We post about current and upcoming events, resources to use at home, and many other ways for you and your children to get involved in the church. You can also email our children's director at melissa@hopechurchva.org to be added to the Children's Ministry Email list. 


Children's Ministry- Hope Presbyterian Church

     Sunday Mornings:

CM Sunday Chart All w_ arrows

New City Catechism- Children's Church Worship*

*All children are invited to start in worship first and then will be dismissed after a children's time weekly. We do have immedate care for nursery aged children.

    See video below to see what our children learn during  Children's Church (mini-lesson w/free play)


See video below to see what our children learn during Sunday School hour- all elementary children go through the bible every 3 years.


What you will find in all our Sunday School rooms for children:

Children's Bible TimeLine

We care about safety at HOPE! 

Our leaders are background checked, and trained to work with children.