Longest Night Worship Service

December 21, 2023

7:00pm – 8:00pm

Hope Presbyterian Church  View Map

Coordinator:  Amy Elliott

During the Advent and Christmas season, we are surrounded by sparkling decorations and cheerful music. It seems as if everyone is caught up in the joyful spirit of Christmas. For many of us though, the holiday can be difficult, sad, and lonely. This year, as we approach the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, we will hold a special worship service for any feeling loss, having a difficult time, or dealing with life's dark moments. We will read psalms and scripture, light candles, and pray together. There will be no obligation to "keep it together." There will be no expectation that we should sing about joy without acknowledging that it may not be a joyful time for us. There IS hurt and doubt and brokenness in the world– that's why we needed God to be born into our world and love among us. Together, we will remember that the light will always overcome the darkness, no matter how long the night may seem.