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What Next? What Now?

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What Next? What Now?

As we move forward from Easter in view of the game changing, life-transforming, world-informing resurrection of Jesus Christ, the natural question is What’s Next? or What Now? The disciples wondered the same and Jesus commissioned them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with the charge to go into all the world making disciples. The Book of Acts then details the initial centrifugal force of the disciple-making gospel going out into our world. God thrust them forward in ways they could not have predicted and at times in ways they certainly would not have chosen! But in all these, the gospel went forth in truth, light and power. Over the next several weeks Dori, Chrishon and Bryan will help us dive into a series of passages in Acts where the gospel unashamedly plunges head first into a variety of lives and cultures. Exploring these, in view of our own mission in the world we’ll ask, “What Next? What Now? For Hope?” Along this journey we’ll see not just why the church exists, and how it goes about its mission in the diverse environment of our world, but also what it takes to be resilient, courageous messengers as we live out the gospel in word and deed.

Sermons from this Series

Jul 11


July 11, 2021

What Next? What Now? - Conclusion

Preacher: Dori Little Scripture: Colossians 3:1–17 Series: What Next? What Now?

Jul 4


July 4, 2021

What Next? What Now? - Part 10

Preacher: Dori Little Scripture: Acts 19:21–41 Series: What Next? What Now?

Jun 27


June 27, 2021

What Next? What Now? - Part 9

Preacher: Chrishon Ducker Scripture: Acts 19:1–20 Series: What Next? What Now?

Jun 20


June 20, 2021

What Next? What Now? - Part 8

Preacher: Dori Little Scripture: Acts 17:22–34 Series: What Next? What Now?

Jun 13


June 13, 2021

What Next? What Now? - Part 7

Preacher: Dori Little Scripture: Acts 17:16–34 Series: What Next? What Now?

Jun 6


June 6, 2021

What Next? What Now? - Part 6

Preacher: Dori Little Scripture: Acts 16:16–40 Series: What Next? What Now?

May 30


May 30, 2021

What Next? What Now? - Part 5

Preacher: Dori Little Scripture: Acts 16:11–18 Series: What Next? What Now?

May 23


May 23, 2021

What Next? What Now? - Part 4

Preacher: Bryan Lees Scripture: Acts 15:1–21 Series: What Next? What Now?

May 16


May 16, 2021

What Next? What Now? - Part 3

Preacher: Chrishon Ducker Scripture: Acts 10:34–43 Series: What Next? What Now?

May 9


May 9, 2021

What Next? What Now? - Part 2

Preacher: Chrishon Ducker Scripture: Acts 10:1–48 Series: What Next? What Now?

May 2


May 2, 2021

What Next? What Now? - Part 1

Preacher: Dori Little Scripture: Acts 8:26–40 Series: What Next? What Now?