The church office is closed on Tuesday February 11th in anticipation of winter weather.

First Friday Craft Night

Every first Friday of every month

5:30pm – 8:30pm

Hope Presbyterian Church  View Map

Coordinator:  Jo Collins

Craft Night image

Everyone is invited to our First Friday Craft Night from 5:30-8:30pm here in the Fellowship Hall. This new monthly fellowship time is designed for those who want to bring their own craft (and dinner) with dessert provided. We will have tables set up to spread out your scrapbooking, card making, genealogy research or any other crafting supplies. We can put tables together if you want to quilt. Bring your sowing machine to work on whatever you already have going. This will be a great time of sharing, show and tell, fellowship and supporting each other. Or, just stop by to visit and hang out, all are welcome! Contact Jo Collins with any questions.